The Story

Pogis Somer > The Story

Pogis Somer is a young extraterrestrial from the planet Trappist. Like all young Trappistas, he has the ability to change forms. He can be either Wind, Water or Earth and has an innate connection with the universe and nature. We meet him on his home planet where he is restless due to sensing an imbalance in the universe. However, no one pays any attention to his distress. 

We learn that he has been trained in the ways of lifeseeking by Ryggel, an elite lifeseeker and his second matriarch. Lifeseeking is the search of life on other planets using spaceships called neurovessels. This allows him to escape from his planet in the hope of figuring out what is wrong. 
Pogis Somer escapes his planet. He enters a wormhole and loses control. This leads him to our solar system where he crash lands and gets stranded on Earth. Specifically, the Galapagos Islands.  At first he is dazzled by the abundance of life and spends some time exploring it. However, he quickly realises that there is something wrong with the planet and that the intelligent life forms inhabiting Earth are the ones to blame. He sets out to meet them. 

Pogis makes it his mission to save the planet from global warming. His ability to shapeshift and communicate with all life forms will help him in this endeavour. This will lead him to adventures, both good and bad. In his time on Earth he will meet and interact with all sorts of people and most importantly with people that share his mission and values: saving the planet and protecting life and biodiversity.